Children in Worship

At Spring Hill Presbyterian Church, we believe that children belong in worship! We also recognize that children at different ages and stages have different needs.
Our nursery is available for infants and toddlers (3 and younger). Our caring nursery staff members are available on Sunday mornings starting at 9:00 am.
Children’s Church is for children ages 3-1st grade. Our young children stay in worship through the Children’s Message and then walk over to the Bullard Building with two volunteers to hear a story and engage in learning centers.
For children 2nd grade and above, we encourage their full participation in the worship service. This means that parents have to help their children to be engaged and take on the challenging — but rewarding — task of parenting in the pew. We offer worship bags and children’s bulletins for our children 9 years and younger which help children engage more fully in worship. If a child needs to leave the worship service for any reason, parents may take them to Fellowship Hall where there is a live audio and video feed.
If you would like any more information about how children are part of the worshiping body at SHPC, please see our Pastor.