Handbell Ringing
Ringing handbells is a unique experience, one which seems almost addictive to many ringers. Ringing handbells is a team sport—- each person rings a few bells that fit into the total musical soundscape– bell ringing requires from each person a team spirit and an awareness of not only one’s own part, but how one’s part fits into the whole.
Our Spring Hill Ringers is a group of adults (and possibly advanced high school students) who have learned music reading skills through sustained and attentive study of an instrument. We rehearse weekly and perform in worship monthly during the academic year. We also participate in concerts and regional handbell festivals.
For an incomparable experience, explore the possibility of Ringing Handbells.
Our Bells:
5 octaves of Schulmerich English Handbells
3 octaves of Malmark handchimes
Spring Hill Ringers (membership by audition; adults who read music well)
Randy Sheets, director
Rehearsals: Wednesday, 6:00-7:00 p.m.