What You Need To Know About Buz’s Sabbatical

Dear Spring Hill Presbyterian Church Family,

I want to update you on the plans for my sabbatical this summer. My final sermon before the sabbatical will be on Ascension Sunday, May 16, and then I will be back in the pulpit on Back-to-School Sunday, August 15. During these weeks that I am away, our church will be led by Dr. Anna Fulmer Duke and our outstanding church staff and officers. A special Sabbatical Committee has been put together consisting of Norma Baymiller (Clerk of Session), Lawrence Hughey (Stephen’s Ministry & Facilities Committee), Lewis Shreve (Church Treasurer), Leslie Sweeney (Worship Committee & Coronavirus Commission), and Judy Weaver (Religions Arts & Personnel Committees). During this time, Anna will increase her preaching pattern to twice per month, and on other Sundays we will welcome nationally known Presbyterian writer and preacher Rev. Eugenia Gamble as our Sabbatical Summer Stated Supply preacher. In the event that pastoral care needs arise at times when Anna is out of town (for example, with our Youth on their two Montreat trips) our Stephen Ministers will make pastoral visits and retired pastors in our presbytery will be on call to conduct funerals.

I am deeply grateful for this gift and look forward to this time of rest and spiritual recharging. I’ll come back ready to launch into the next chapter of our life together as a congregation.

For more information on what I’ll be doing on the sabbatical, click the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHn5O7a9ipc.

Buz Wilcoxon

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