Position Available

Director of Music Ministries and Organist
Spring Hill Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
Mobile, Alabama

For 23 years, Randy Sheets has served as the Director of Music Ministries and Organist at Spring Hill Presbyterian Church, blessing our congregation with his passion, grace-filled compassion, talent, and deep commitment to worship through music. His leadership has fostered a vibrant and participatory music ministry inviting all to lift their voices and instruments to praise God. 

While we give thanks for Randy’s many years of faithful service, we also look with excitement toward the future. We are prayerfully seeking a new Director of Music Ministries / Organist who will bring their own gifts, vision, and love for church music to our congregation. We recognize that every musician brings a unique style and approach, and we welcome a leader who will continue to nurture the rich tradition of worship at Spring Hill Presbyterian Church while making the role their own.

If you feel called to serve in this ministry, we invite you to explore this opportunity and consider joining us in shaping the next chapter of music and worship in our church.

Spring Hill Presbyterian Church seeks a Director of Music Ministries / Organist, who integrates strong musical skills, spiritual gifts, and a firm commitment to collaboration to lead our congregation’s robust array of music programs. A successful candidate will not only be an excellent musician but will also participate in the life of the church as a theological leader and pastoral presence, working closely with the pastor(s) and Stephen ministers to assure pastoral care for the church musical family. The congregation supports and enjoys worship that is rich in music and liturgy. Spring Hill Presbyterian Church’s worship and music are rooted in Presbyterian theology and practice and currently offers one worship service each Sunday morning, as well as services on Christmas Eve and other liturgical occasions. https://shpc.us Regionally, our music program is known for excellent adult and children’s choirs, soloists, handbell choir, and strong congregational singing led by the Organist and Chancel Choir.

The church’s assets include:

Musical Instruments

  • 2 Pipe Organs (Photographs and specifications are found on the church website.) https://shpc.us/worship/reflections-on-music-and-worship/our-organs/
    • In the sanctuary, a 1989 Möller: 2-manual, 19 ranks, encased within the room (with beautiful acoustics); recently installed digital controller system.
    • In the chapel, a 2009 Heissler: 2-manual mechanical action; 7 stops, 8 ranks in acoustics very friendly to organ sound.
  • Pianos
    • Yamaha small grand in choir room
    • Yamaha uprights in the sanctuary and chapel
    • Chickering small grand in fellowship hall
    • Digital pianos in other rehearsal spaces
  • Handbells
    • 5 octaves of Schulmerich bells
    • 4 octaves of Malmark hand chimes

Music Library

  • Extensive collection of choral music, extended works, and music for handbells and for other instruments

Volunteer Leadership

  • Active Group of Volunteers who assist in roles as choral librarian, care and maintenance of robes, assist with children’s choirs and organizing fellowship activities

Mobile’s Singing Children

  • Spring Hill Presbyterian Church serves as the host for the Mobile’s Singing Children, Mobile’s premiere children’s choir, led by SHPC Coordinator of Children’s Music Ministries, Susan Hoitt.

Summary of Duties

We seek a leader to provide comprehensive leadership to all parts of our music program, while serving as the Organist and Director of the Chancel Choir, Adult Handbell Choir and the Youth Chorale and to oversee the Coordinator of Children’s Music Ministries (part-time). The Chancel choir rehearses and sings in worship from fall through spring and traditionally has a strong dedicated base of volunteer singers (typically 25-30) supplemented by 4-5 staff singers.

The Director of Music Ministries is a key collaborator with the Pastor and other staff in planning regular and special worship services and other events in the life of the congregation, as well as with the church’s officers and volunteers as staff representative for the Worship and Religious Arts Committees.

Qualifications for the Position

  • Bachelor’s degree in organ performance or choral conducting or equivalent experience; Master’s degree preferred.
  • AGO certifications considered.
  • Significant training and experience in both organ playing and choir leadership.
  • Significant experience in excellent choirs as a singer and/or collaborative pianist and organist.
  • Significant experience in sacred music leadership is preferred.
  • Experience in leading music programs for children and youth.

Salary and Benefits

Salary $80,000- $85,000, commensurate with qualifications. Competitive benefits include health insurance, retirement, paid leave and holidays.

How to Apply

Please submit an application packet via email to [email protected], including the following:

  • PDF containing a cover letter and resume
  • URL links to videos of the applicant:
    • Conducting church anthems with an SATB choir
    • Playing prelude and/or postlude music
    • Congregational singing of hymns on organ
  • Names and contact information for at least three professional references
  • Additional references may be required in the advanced interview stages

Review of Applications

The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications immediately. On-site auditions and interviews for finalists will be targeted for early spring. Applicants should anticipate a comprehensive background check before an on-site visit. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Spring Hill Presbyterian Church does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or age, and encourages candidates from historically underrepresented backgrounds to apply.

Comprehensive Listing of Job Duties:

  1. Serve Jesus Christ as a staff member of the Church, reporting to the Senior Pastor, through appointment by the Session with annual evaluations conducted by the Personnel Committee and the Senior Pastor.
  2. Exercise overall direction and responsibility for the total music program in consultation with the Worship Committee. Serve as the staff representative to the Worship and Religious Arts Committees in monthly meetings.
  3. Work closely with the Pastor and staff to plan regular worship services and special services and events sponsored by the Church. Plan and organize music activities in a timely, organized, and collaborative manner.
  4. Work collaboratively with other staff members to assist in the development and support of all programs within the Church.
  5. Study and continue education adequate to provide liturgical depth and musical excellence to the Church’s ministry.
  6. Provide leadership, organization, and planning with other music staff members, including the Children’s Choir Director, paid staff singers, and volunteers.
  7. Serve as advisor to the Senior Pastor and the appropriate committees regarding opportunities for the development of the arts within the Church and community.
  8. Develop and administer budgets for the music/arts activities of the Church.
  9. Provide leadership in recruiting talented singers and instrumentalists to the music program of the Church and seek to develop innovative opportunities for musicians to participate in the various musical services and activities.
  10. Serve as the Organist, director for the Chancel Choir, Adult Handbell Choir, and Youth Chorale and oversee the children’s choirs. Advise and provide leadership for the volunteers working with the children’s choirs.
  11. Accompany weddings and funerals for members of the church, and for others as able, with accompanying honorarium.
  12. Direct the tuning and maintenance of instruments and supervise all music-related property, including the music library.
  13. Include professional guest instrumentalists in worship service(s) during Advent/Christmas and on Easter Sunday, and/or other times. Traditionally, one Sunday in Advent has been a “Cantata Sunday,” with choir, soloists, and guest professional chamber orchestra; Easter Sunday has included brass quartet and timpani/percussion.

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