Celebrate Wonder
“We know that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”
Romans 5:3-5
The Mission of Spring Hill Presbyterian Church:
“Glorifying God and Making Disciples Who Witness and Serve”
Continuing our Mission Through Prayerful Stewardship
The Stewardship Committee would like to offer a prayerful reminder of the importance of continued faithful financial stewardship to the church. We hope that, if able, you can maintain your previous level of financial commitment to the church or increase for those who won’t be able to do so during this difficult year.
Please make your pledge by Dedication Sunday – October 17.
You can submit your pledge online, through mailing in a pledge card, emailing Susan Richardson, [email protected] or calling the church office, 251-342-1550.
Make Your Pledge Online
This form is used to make a pledge. If you wish to set up your pledge for online giving please visit the Giving page.

Continuing to praise the Triune God through worship services (online, in-person, and outdoor vespers) as well as outstanding music, sacred space, visual arts, creativite writing, local speakers, and more.
Approximately $250,000

Deepening faith development and developing lasting relationships in our congregation for children, youth, and adults through Sunday School, Bible studies, retreats, PW gatherings, and fellowship opportunities.
Approximately $220,000

Members and staff reaching out and representing Christ in our community, and excellent facilities allow Christian hospitality by providing a space for a host of outside organizations as well as events for all our neighbors.
Approximately $215,000

Extending the love of Christ to friends and strangers within our community and beyond through mission such as volunteer work, partnerships with schools, and benevolent giving to numerous charitable agencies.
Approximately $205,000