Lenten Series: Stones That Shout

Stones That Shout

2018 Lenten Series

Lent is a time of preparation and introspection. In this 40 day season of sacrifice and prayer we journey along the well-worn path that leads to the table on Maundy Thursday, the cross on Good Friday, and the empty tomb on Easter morning. The stories that we read and study during this season remind us of who Jesus is, what he has come to do, and how we are called to follow him.

Our journey of Lent is 40 days as a reminder of the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness in fasting and prayer, where he was tempted to turn stones into bread. Throughout his ministry he would encounter other stones, some ready to be cast at sinners in punishment. He would use the image of stones or rocks in his teaching to explain the importance of having a strong foundation in your life, and how his own death and resurrection would embody the words of the psalmist “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” Ultimately, a stone would be rolled against his tomb, sealing the death that he suffered for us, and three days later, the women who went to anoint his body would find that same stone rolled away in wonder.

These stories from Jesus’ life are the foundation of our faith, the solid rock upon which the church is built. This month we will begin a sermon series that will last throughout Lent and into Easter entitled, “Stones that Shout” as we study these important texts on Sunday mornings and their Old Testament echoes on Wednesdays during our mid-week worship services.


Sundays Wednesdays
2/18      Stones to Bread (Temptation)
2/25       A Foundation Built on Rock
3/4         Peter the Rock
3/11       Casting Stones (Youth Sunday)
3/18       Stones Rejected
2/14       Wilderness Stones (Exodus)
2/21       Memory Stones (Joshua)
2/28       Stones & Giants (1 Samuel)
3/7         Stones Crying Out (Habakkuk)
3/14       Stones of Exile (Daniel)

Holy Week

Palm/Passion Sunday, March 25, 10:30 a.m.

Music by the Cherub, Elementary, and Chancel Choirs
Procession of Palms
“Stones Will Shout” Sermon by Dr. Buz Wilcoxon 

Maundy Thursday, March 29, 7:00 p.m. (Chapel)

Service of Word and Sacrament
Solo by Frank Tigner
“A Foundational Meal” Sermon by Rev. Anna Fulmer

Good Friday Service, March 30, 12:15 p.m. (Chapel)

Tenebrae Service based on the passion account from Mark’s Gospel
Solo by Asia Smith, Newberry Scholarship Singer
“The Stone Rolled on the Tomb” Reflections by Dr. Buz Wilcoxon
Organ Music for meditation begins at noon

Easter Sunday, April 1, 10:30 a.m.

Music by the Chancel Choir with instrumentalists
“Stones Rolled Away!” Sermon by Dr. Buz Wilcoxon

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