Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian Women of Spring Hill Presbyterian Church is part of a larger body of Presbyterian Women. Spring Hill Presbyterian Women, forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit themselves:
- to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study;
- to support the mission of the church worldwide;
- to work for justice and peace; and
- to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witness to the promise of God’s Kingdom.
Presbyterian Women conduct Bible Study, engage in church and community projects, and contribute to such offerings as the Birthday Offering, Thank Offering, and Fellowship of the Least Coin.
Smaller Circles encourage a unique Christian fellowship and better meet the needs of those involved. At Spring Hill Presbyterian the Circles meet on the second Wednesday of each month at various hours. (For the specific times, check the church calendar.) The Circles have a common Bible study with each Circle having a special project.

Circle 1
Chair: Dianne Oveson
Project: Ronald McDonald House and Holiday Decorating
– Collects food items and paper goods for the Ronald McDonald House food pantry.
– Decorates the sanctuary for Easter and Christmas.
Circle 2 (Afternoon Circle)
Chair: Susan Tomlinson
Project: Presbyterian Home for Children
– Collects supplies, as requested, and funds for Christmas gifts for the children at the Presbyterian Home for Children