SLPYC Winter Retreat

Youth Ministry

Grades 6 – 12

We have a vibrant and fun youth ministry at Spring Hill Presbyterian. From mission trips to retreats to youth conferences at Montreat, and Sunday night Youth Group, we are an active, fun, faith-based ministry that is done with (not for) our youth. We hope that you will join us on Sunday mornings and evenings! We are an open and welcoming group, so please bring friends! If you would like to join our group or just want to know a little more about us, contact Anna Fulmer.

Youth Group 2017

Youth Sunday School: Waffles and the Word

Youth Sunday School is for youth in 6-12 grades who aren’t in confirmation class. Join us for waffles and Sunday School on Sunday Mornings! We will be studying themes from scripture. Plus we will have a waffle maker and mix, so you can make your own waffles! Munch on the word and a waffle this Fall with us!



slypc Youth Retreat

Junior and Senior High School: February 2-4, 2018

cost: $85, sign up form and fees due by February 1.
More information and sign up form here

Montreat Youth Conference
Middle School: July 18-22, 2018 (For those completed 5-8th grades)

Cost: $270.00
$ 150 Non-refundable Deposit and youth registration due to ­­­­­­­­­Anna Fulmer by December 1. $120 balance due by Feb. 1, 2018

Montreat Youth Conference
High School: June 2-9, 2018 (For those completed 8-12 grades)

Cost: $270.00$ 150 Non-refundable Deposit and youth registration due to ­­­­­­­­­Anna Fulmer by December 1. $120 balance due by Feb. 1, 2018

Make Checks payable to ­­­­­­­­­Spring Hill Presbyterian Church. Scholarships are available.  Make sure you know about the Coats Scholarship Fund.

Want even MORE information about Montreat?

Go to their website:

Videos on the Four Parts of the Conference:

Small Group:

General Video:
A Day in the Life at Montreat:
10 top reasons to go to Montreat!

Confirmation Class Schedule

Back to the Font: History and Heritage
August 13 Confirmation Kickoff After Church: Lunch with parents and Learn
Sept. 10 Rally Day: Come to learn more about confirmation, youth group, and other events! (Not Mandatory)
Sept. 17 “Confirmation Class Begins: Getting to Know You/Brainwashing”
Sept. 24 Stewardship
Oct. 1 Youth Retreat—On Retreat, we will worship in another context. If cannot attend retreat meet at church to go with Baymiller’s
Oct. 8 Book of Confessions
Oct. 15 Reformed Tradition
Oct. 22 Reformed/Presbyterian History
Oct. 29 Reformation Sunday

What We Believe
Nov. 5 Bible
Nov. 12 Bible
Nov. 19 Alternative Gift Market
Nov. 26 God’s Providence
Dec. 3 Christ: Incarnation, Two Natures, and Christ as Mediator
Dec. 10 Holy Spirit
Dec. 17 Review Session and Mentor Discussion (IMPORTANT!)
Dec. 24 Potluck Breakfast at Church (Not Mandatory)
Dec. 31 Christmas Break; No Confirmation Class

Living in Gratitude
Jan 7 Meet Your Mentors
Jan 14 Volunteer at First Light Half Marathon (Mission)
Jan 21 Prayer and the Christian Life
Jan 28 “Worship and Music Paper 1 Due”
Feb. 4 “Mission/Vocation (Collect money before and after church for Souper Bowl of Caring)”
Feb. 11 Joe Cain (No Class)
Feb. 18 “The Sacraments
Paper 2 Due”
Feb. 25 Sin
March 4 “What do you Wonder?
Interview/Paper 3 Due”
March 11 “Youth Sunday
(Practice during Sunday School)”
March 18 Grace

Weaving It All Together
March 23 CONFIRMATION RETREAT! 5:30-9 pm Mandatory!
March 25 ” Ministry of Reconciliation”
April 1 “Easter Sunday (No Class) BUT Faith Statements Due”
April 8 Nearing the End/ Final Class Celebration
April 15 “Confirmation Sunday!
Meet with Session at 9 am (MANDATORY!)

Meeting Times

Sunday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 in the Bullard Building, Rooms 216 – 217

Sunday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 in the Bullard Building, Rooms 216 – 217

Youth Group Blog

Other News

RIP Medical Debt

Weekly Announcements featured image

Weekly Announcements

2023 Advent

Blessing of the Animals 2023

Trunk or Treat 2023

Rally Day Kick-Off