Easter and Holy Week Schedule


Palm Sunday (3/28/21)

10:30 AM In-Person Sunday Worship (livestreamed online)

4:00 PM- Outdoor Vespers & Easter Egg Hunt

Maundy Thursday (4/1/21)

6:00 PM- Communion Worship-Sanctuary & Online

Good Friday (4/2/21)

Online Presbytery Worship

11:00- 1:00- Individual Prayer time in the Chapel

Easter Sunday (4/4/21)

9:00 AM Worship Service in the Sanctuary & Online

Nursery provided for 3 and under at 9:00 service only

11:00 AM Outdoor Worship with Choir

Other News

RIP Medical Debt

Weekly Announcements

2023 Advent

Blessing of the Animals 2023

Trunk or Treat 2023

Rally Day Kick-Off