Common Read for the Season of Lent

During the season of Lent, we are kicking off a new venture, Common Read.

You can sign-up to be a part of a small group that will meet weekly from March 6 to April 10 for discussions of Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, An Altar in the World. These small groups will have about 8-10 people in them and will be led by two facilitators. These groups are an essential component of the church-wide Common Read.

These groups will function similar to the discussion groups that were in place a few years ago when we participated in Reading the Bible in Ninety Days. There will be no writing, no assessment, just discussion. Most of our groups will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am (as Sunday School for adults), but there is an opportunity for a group solely on Zoom, as well as a non-Sunday morning time.

You can sign-up in person at the tables in the Narthex or Hallway or sign-up online using the follow link:

Books will be available for purchase on Sunday mornings or in the church office during the week for $10 during February.

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