Youth Ministry

Grades 6 – 12

We have a vibrant and fun youth ministry at Spring Hill Presbyterian. From mission trips to retreats to youth conferences at Montreat, and Sunday night Youth Group, we are an active, fun, faith-based ministry that is done with (not for) our youth. We hope that you will join us on Sunday mornings, afternoons, and evenings! We are an open and welcoming group, so please bring friends! If you would like to join our group or just want to know a little more about us, contact Lily Davidson.

Youth Group

Youth Group is for youth grades 6-12. We meet Sundays nights from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Bullard Building for dinner and food, study, fun, and fellowship.


Each fall and spring we have a retreat or a lock-in for youth grades 6-12. Completed 8-12 graders go each summer in June to the Montreat Youth Conference for a week of worship, recreation, connection, and fun. In July completed 5-8th graders attend Montreat Middle School together.

Youth Sunday School

Youth Sunday School for youth grades 6-12 meets each Sunday at 9:00 am in the Youth Room upstairs in the Bullard Building. Throughout the year our youth study Scripture together with amazing teachers.

Confirmation Class

Confirmation happens once every two years. Confirmation is for our 7th and 8th graders (and older) as they prepare and discern what it means to join the church. The next session of confirmation will kick-off Fall 2023. Confirmation when active, meets on Sunday mornings from 9-10 am in the Bullard Building.

For a full Youth Ministry schedule contact our church office or check in the church hallway.

Meeting Times

Sunday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 in the Bullard Building, Rooms 216 – 217

Sunday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 in the Bullard Building, Rooms 216 – 217

Youth Chorale

It’s time to once again sing together as a Youth Chorale! We will practice on selected Sunday afternoons at 5:00, before Youth Group. Keep an eye out for more information and get ready to sing together.

Instrumental Ensemble

Led by Buddy Porter. If you play a concert band instrument, this inter-generational group may be for you. Practices will be on selected Sunday afternoons. Keep an eye out for more information or contact Randy Sheets or Buddy Porter for more information.