Christus Theological Institute

Since 1989, the Christus Theological Institute has offered a unique opportunity for continuing education and grass-roots ecumenism among Christians and churches of the Mobile Bay area. The annual Christus program has presented more than 100 lectures by local and regional speakers, . . . as well as an annual conference with nationally known scholars.”

“The mission of Christus is to encourage a reflective deepening and broadening of the search for God in our Christian tradition, promoting a truly ecumenical network among local faith communities. We are supported by a partnership of individual members, as well as churches and religious institutions from a broad range of Christian traditions, including Baptist, Catholic, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist and Presbyterian, mainly in Mobile and Baldwin counties. Please join us and help support our continuing endeavor. For information on membership, please call (251) 380-4458 or email us.

For more information, see their Facebook page.