Christian Education
Sunday School classes are from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM on Sunday mornings. Nursery is provided for infants in the Bullard Building. Elementary and Youth (Middle School & High School) Sunday School classes are also in the Bullard Building. Adult Sunday School classes occur in the Main Building. From September through May we have several adult classes. The Current Issues Class meets in the Fellowship Hall in the Main Building. The Bible Discovery Class meets in the Conference Room in the Main Building. Special topic classes are offered throughout the year (often lasting 5-6 weeks). A Presbyterian 101 class (geared for visitors and new members) usually occurs in the spring. During the summer months (June through August) our adult classes combine together for our Faith and the Arts Summer Series in the Fellowship Hall (Main Building).
For more information, please contact our Associate Pastor at 342-1550 or [email protected]
Our Children’s ministry is about opening the door to the meaning of a life guided by faith and formed within the Christian community.
This vibrant and fun ministry helps young people explore ways our faith is integrated into our everyday lives!
Our offerings strive to bring encouragement to members and visitors so that their daily walk as Christians is enriched an strengthened.