Capital Campaign


A five year commitment to renew our sacred space

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Our Mission

We proclaim that our mission is to “Glorify God and make disciples who witness and serve”. Maintaining a house of worship that is inviting, welcoming and accessible to all who seek a relationship with Jesus Christ and a community of believers is essential. Our improvements will include better handicapped access to our sanctuary and buildings and parking areas. And our campaign fundraising goals will provide a $75,000 tithe that will support our current mission priorities: the Presbyterian Home for Children, our campus ministry UKirk and the Montreat Conference Center.

Our Opportunity

Replacing our air conditioning system brings us an opportunity to both save on energy expenses and put a good green foot forward by becoming much more energy efficient. Becoming better stewards of God’s creation and our financial resources will be a powerful witness to our hope for the future of our church community. But just as important is the opportunity to work together in the sacred task of building up God’s Kingdom – work that strengthens the ties that already bind us and forges new relationships with those who seek a welcome place to worship and find Christian hospitality.

Our Hope & Blessing

It is our hope and our goal to raise $750,000 over the next 5 years to fully fund these improvements that will help us prepare to welcome the next generations to Spring Hill Presbyterian Church. God calls us as individuals to respond with the blessings He has so freely given, each person an integral piece of His divine plan. God also calls us as a family of believers to pray and pledge and grow joyfully closer as we accept the responsibility to care for the gifts we’ve been given. And God delights as we receive the blessings that arise when we give ourselves to His Kingdom and His glory.

Our Turn

We have received a great gift and meaningful legacy from the generations that have come before us. Now it is our turn to care for that gift so that we continue to be a vibrant congregation for generations to come. Please take some time to prayerfully consider your commitment to support these projects to renew our church.

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