Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers are trained to provide care to those in need of confidential, compassionate, Christian care-giving. Lay caregivers provide one-on-one Christian care to the bereaved, hospitalized, terminally ill, divorced, separated, unemployed, and others facing a crisis or life challenge. Through these relationships those who are hurting receive the love and care they need.
If you would like to talk with a Stephen Minister, please contact the Stephen Ministry Coordinator, Luanne Rice, or leave a message with the Church office. Their number is 251-342-1550.
Call us . . .
- If you need a trained, confidential, Christian caregiver.
- To participate in the Stephen Ministry training class beginning in August.
- For a copy of the booklet, Preparing for Life’s Last Journey . A booklet prepared by your Stephen Ministers for making end-of-life decisions. You can pick up one from the church office.
- For Home Communion.
- Or just to talk.
Let us help.
Your Stephen Ministers